
Product description
1. Searchlight - Sel Bolsena Single Spotlight
2. Searchlight - SEL Bolsena 3Lt Bar Spotlight
3. Searchlight - SEL Bolsena 4Lt Sqr Plt Spotlight
Identifying features
1. Product No: 900038405
2. Product No: 900038406
3. Product No: 900038407
What are the defects?
The light fittings do not comply with AS/NZS 60598.1:2013.
What are the hazards?
There is a potential risk of an electric shock.
Dates available for sale:
2nd September
2011 - 22nd February
Where the product was sold
Traders who sold this product
Masters Home Improvement
Masters Home Improvement
Supplier's web site
What should consumers do?
Customers should immediately return uninstalled Searchlight
Light Fittings to any Masters store for a full refund.
Customers who have had the light fittings installed should
immediately contact Masters’ customer service, on 1300 337
707, where arrangements will be made for an inspection by an
electrician. Customers should not touch or attempt to
uninstall the light fittings themselves.
details of recall
refer to: